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ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
ACM is the world's most comprehensive database of articles & conference proceedings covering computing and information technology.
American Chemical Society Journals
The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences
Brill Online
Brill Journals and eBooks. Brill’s publications focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and selected areas in the Sciences.
BSI Knowledge
We have a subscription to a custom collection of 10 core British Standards available on the BSI Knowledge Platform. These standards have been specifically selected to support module reading lists.
Login Instructions:
This platform supports institutional login only whether you are on or off-campus. Go to BSI Knowledge > Please click the login button from the top right of the screen, select the 'institutional' option, Abertay University from the list and 'Continue to Login'. You will then see all the British Standards available in the Abertay Collection.
FileOpen Viewer Requirement:
To download British Standards from BSI Knowledge, you will need to install FileOpen, a plugin that enables viewing of secured documents. Please see the FileOpen Installation Guide for full details.
View full details on British Standards and BSI Knowledge here.
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch.
Business Source Complete
EBSCO's Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database. It contains over 2000 full-text journals and magazines, SWOT analyses, industry reports, market research reports as well as over 67,000 videos from the Associate Press. All disciplines of business are covered including: marketing, management, accounting, banking and finance.
Cambridge Core - Cambridge University Press Journals & eBooks
Cambridge Core is a new platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content bringing together both journals and eBooks. With over 1 million journal articles and 30,000+ books covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. Also includes access to the Cambridge Journals Digital Archive - 171 journals from 1827-1996.
CINAHL Plus (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. The expanded version of the CINAHL Index, CINAHL Plus provides an even wider scope of nursing and allied health journals. Content includes: coverage dating back to 1937, indexing for nearly 5,500 journals, evidence-based care sheets and quick lessons.
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch.
Construction Information Service
Developed by Accuris (formerly S&P Global Engineering Solutions) and NBS (National Building Specification), Construction Information Service (CIS) is an online tool to quickly access current construction regulations, construction standards, technical advice, construction project management tools, and industry news on building, engineering, design, and construction processes in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Some key documents and publishers included are: Architects' Journal, Steelbiz, SCI Blue Book, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), Eurocodes.
Information can be found by document number, document title, series, or issuing body. See more information about CIS on the Accuris Tech website.
Access note: this resource has a single user license so you may have to try again later. Please ensure you click logout when you have finished your session.
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch.
Credo Online Reference Service
Credo - authoritative reference content including the multi-disciplinary Academic Core Collection and the Criminal Justice Collection. Includes full-text reference works, topic pages and images designed to give context before starting the research process. Also features Credo Mind Maps which give a visual representation of relationships between topics.
Ebook Central
Multidisciplinary eBooks from ProQuest Ebook Central (includes all books previously available via MyiLibrary) Subjects include: Business, Health and medicine, Political Science, Law, Social Science, Computer/IT Science, Engineering.
EBSCOhost eBooks
EBSCOhost is a multidisciplinary eBook collection available on the EBSCOhost platform.
Edinburgh University Press Journals
Edinburgh University Press - over 30 journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences from one of the leading University Presses in the UK.
Emerald Insight
Access books and journals via the Emerald Insight platform. Content includes multiple current eJournal collections providing coverage in over 300 journals. Collections include: Marketing; HR, Learning & Organizational Studies; Business, Management & Strategy; Tourism & Hospitality Management; Public Policy & Environmental Management; Accounting, Finance & Economics; Health & Social Care. As well as backfile content to many Management titles.
Human Kinetics Library
The Human Kinetics Library is a comprehensive resource for fitness, exercise, coaching, and sport enthusiasts. It features cross-searchable ebooks and videos from a leading physical activity publisher, aiming to enhance knowledge, performance, and health. The platform provides access to five key collections: Human Kinetics Library Core Collection, Physical and Health Education, Health Care in Sport and Exercise, Sport Skills, and Strength and Conditioning.
ICE Virtual Library
ICE Current Engineering Journals Collection – contains full text online access to all 30 journals in the ICE Current Engineering package. Most titles have access from 2003-present and titles include: Geotechnique, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Municipal Engineer, and Engineering & Computational Mechanics.
IEEE/IET Electronic Library
IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, electronics and related disciplines. IEEE Xplore contains full-text documents from IEEE journals, magazines, conference proceedings, standards, eBooks and educational courses.
JSTOR provides access to the full-text articles of more than 2,800 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Subjects covered include Business, Criminology, Law, Psychology and Sociology.
Karger is a collection of around 100 health care, health sciences and medical science journals.
Lexis+ UK Platform
Lexis+® UK (previously Lexis Library) from LexisNexis is a legal intelligence service and research tool that provides access to a wide range of legal materials, including in-force legislation, case law, up-to-date legal commentary, journals, and comprehensive practical guidance. Lexis+ UK is widely used by legal professionals, law students, and academics, and is a valuable resource for anyone who needs to stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments.
You can also access the full-text of many UK newspapers on Lexis+
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch.
Nature Journals Online
Access to Nature: International Journal of Science online from 2011-present. Nature is the world's leading multidisciplinary international science journal - publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology.
O'Reilly For HE Learning Platform
O’Reilly for Higher Education connects students, researchers, and staff to essential Business and Technology resources in a modern digital learning ecosystem. Content includes access to more than 46,000 ebooks; 30,000 hours of video; learning paths; case studies and expert curated playlists.
Topic highlights: Business - including eCommerce, project management, strategy and marketing. Security - including digital forensics, malware, penetration testing/ethical hacking, and security certification. Career Development. Data - including machine learning and AI. Software Development - including Game Development. Programming Languages - including .NET, C, C++, Go, Java, Perl, Python, and lots more!
Oxford Academic Books and Journals
Oxford Academic brings together thousands of electronic journals and books published by Oxford University Press (OUP) covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
ProQuest Criminal Justice Database
Criminal Justice Database from ProQuest is a comprehensive resource supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, plus litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports and much more. Coverage is from 1981 to present and key titles include: Journal of Forensic Identification, International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy, The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology.
Discovery Note: over 300 titles are available with full-text articles via LibrarySearch. Searching direct on the database itself and deselecting ‘full-text’ will also give access to around 250 publications that are abstracting and indexing only.
PsycARTICLES is the database of full-text peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and affiliated journals. It contains more than 180,000 full-text articles from more than 100 journals, each employing a meticulous peer-review process. Many journals have full-text dating from 1988 to present and some have holdings dating back to the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
Psychology & Behavioural Sciences Collection - this full-text database provides extensive coverage for a broad range of subjects in the fields of psychology, behavioural sciences and related disciplines with particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counselling. It includes nearly 500 full-text journals (some articles for the past year may not be available for some titles)
RSC Journals Archive (1841-2007)
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has created a digital archive of all chemical science articles published by the RSC (and its forerunner societies) between 1841-2007. Includes: Proceedings of the Chemical Society, Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, Transactions of the Faraday Society.
Sage Journals Online
SAGE Publications publishes more than 850 journals in the social sciences, humanities, and life sciences. More than 300 are published on behalf of 245 learned societies and institutions. Access is from 1999-present.
Sage Knowledge eBooks
SAGE Knowledge hosts over 5000 eBook and eReference titles covering the social sciences - including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, and professional development titles.
Science Classic Archive 1880-1996
Archive articles from Science, the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
ScienceDirect – Journals and eBooks
ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters focusing on research in science, technology and medicine. Includes access to over 2000 subscribed journals and over 7000 eBooks as well as Open Access content
View ScienceDirect help pages here
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature - it features smart tools to track, analyse and visualise scholarly research.
SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the definitive research tool for all areas of sports and sports medicine literature covering key areas of sports medicine and related fields. Content areas range from sports physiology and sports psychology to physical education and recreation. SPORTDiscus covers many related sports medicine subjects, including nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health and therapy, exercise physiology, kinesiology and more. Content includes more than 650 full-text journals.
SpringerLINK – Journals and eBooks
SpringerLINK provides access to millions of scientific documents from journals, eBooks, series, protocols and reference works. Content includes access to over 2500 journals and over 120,000 books and reference works in all disciplines including: Life Sciences, Engineering, Biomedicine, Computer Science, Earth Science, Psychology, Social Sciences, Economics, Business and Management, and Law.
Statista is a comprehensive statistics platform with access to over 1.5 million data sets and revenue forecasts from 2015 on over 400 industries. Includes access to the Global Consumer Survey database.
Searching explained in 3 minutes
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch.
Taylor & Francis eBooks
T&F ebooks is a multi-disciplinary eBook collection suitable for all subject areas. Taylor & Francis eBooks now includes all FORENSICnetBase titles.
Taylor & Francis Online Library - Journals
Science & Technology Collection provides access to over 500 journals in the areas of: Biological, Earth, Environmental & Food Science; Engineering, Computing & Technology; Mathematics & Statistics, Physics.
Social Science & Humanities Collection provides access to over 1400 journals in the areas of: Arts & Humanities; Business, Management & Economics; Criminology & Law; Media, Cultural & Communication Studies; Mental Health & Social Care; Politics; Psychology; Sociology & related disciplines; Sport, Leisure & Tourism
VLE is a multi-disciplinary eBook collection suitable for all subject areas.
Web of Science
Web of Science (previously Web of Knowledge) is a leading research platform and provides a comprehensive database indexing all subject areas within the Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities from 1900 onwards.
Content includes the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators.
Web of Science platform introduction and training materials
Clarivate Analytics Web of Science YouTube Training Channel
Westlaw UK
Westlaw provides access to legislation, case law (including EU legislation and case law) and legal journals.
Access note: you will be required to register when you login for the first time. By doing so you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. You can view the Privacy Statement here**
Discovery note: this resource is not searchable via LibrarySearch
Wiley Online Library - Journals and eBooks
Wiley provides access to around 1600 multidisciplinary journals from 1997-present. Subject areas include: Agriculture & Food Science; Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting; Computer Science & Information Technology; Environmental Sciences; Law & Criminology; Nursing & Healthcare; Psychology; Social & Behavioral Sciences.