Libkey Nomad is a browser extension that automatically provides full-text access to content through our Abertay Library subscriptions from anywhere on the web.

Nomad checks the Library's holdings data in the first instance and then checks open access alternatives to ensure you are directed to the best available version of an article.  It also integrates directly with PubMed and Wikipedia allowing you to download articles directly from the search results and reference screens. 

How to install Libkey Nomad

Libkey Nomad is now available on the following popular browsers:

Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi and Firefox.

Libkey Nomad supports Google Chrome version 76.x and newer.  It requires an 'only once' installation process:

Download Libkey Nomad from the Chrome Store now!

Select and install on your preferred browser now!

Simply download and install the extension then choose 'Abertay University Library' from the drop-down list of institutions.

Libkey Nomad Abertay Library

Once installed, you'll see the Nomad icon (green flame) display next to the address bar in your browser.

How to use Libkey Nomad

When you land on a page with an article that is available to download, Libkey Nomad will display an alert at the bottom left of your screen.  You can either click to download the PDF immediately where available or view access options via the LibrarySearch link resolver.  If you are off-campus you'll be prompted to login via the Abertay unified login screen with your University username and password.  Libkey Nomad does not store your credentials.

Libkey Nomad Download Now

Several options may be presented to you depending what the best available version is.  They are as follows:

  • Download PDF - in a single click you'll either see a PDF on screen or be prompted to download the PDF immediately.  The PDF is usually coming directly from a publisher (Library subscription) or is the publishers version (according to Unpaywall data) but held in a repository such as PubMed Central or an institutional repository.
  • Article Link - same as above except you won't see a PDF.  Instead, you'll see a web page which either has the full-text HTML or also has the PDF but an additional click is required to view it.
  • Manuscript PDF - the article has been found in the form of an accepted manuscript in a repository.  While the content has been peer-reviewed it is unlikely to be formatted for publishing so may appear as an unformatted Word doc. etc. These documents will never require authentication.
  • Manuscript Link - same as above, except one more click will be required to get to the PDF (if available)
  • Access Options - will make use of LibrarySearch's link resolver to show any additional access options available or will direct you to make a request via interlibrary loan.
  • You can download the Libkey Nomad User Guide here!

Do you need to create an account to use Libkey Nomad?

No!  Nomad, like BrowZine, is very privacy minded so you don't have to create an account to use it.  The extension won't ask for or store institutional credentials and doesn't run scripts on any webpages other than publisher sites and a few selected domains such as PubMed or Wikipedia which have unique enhancements for each site.

Libkey Nomad and PubMed

Libkey Nomad brings improved usability to PubMed.  With Nomad installed, for the first time ever you are able to download articles directly from the search results screen on PubMed!  On the search results screen you'll see links to PDFs and articles, the cover images of the journals the article is published in, plus links to view al articles in a journal issue in context by linking to BrowZine.

Libkey Nomad PubMed

Libkey Nomad and Wikipedia

Wikipedia can serve as a springboard to primary source content as many topics contain numerous links to scholarly sources.  Libkey Nomad intelligently picks these sources out and builds correct links and access options in a dynamic fashion.  When you view the list of references at the end of a Wikipedia article, you'll see in-line article links and PDFs when the Library has provided subscription access.

Libkey Nomad Wikipedia

Libkey Nomad - a researcher tool, designed for libraries with privacy in mind

  • Third Iron, the provider of BrowZine and Libkey Nomad takes user privacy seriously - please check the privacy policy and terms of use before installing the extension.
  • Nomad does not require the creation of a personal account.
  • Nomad does not cache or hold credentials.
  • Nomad is active only when you are on the web page of a scholarly publisher or database, all other domains are ignored.
  • Third Iron collect analytics data only to provide us with (anonymised) usage reports.  No other third party analytics such as LinkedIn or Facebook are used and no data is ever shared or sold.

**By installing the Libkey Nomad extension, you are agreeing to the terms of use - please read these carefully before installing and if you don't agree to anything mentioned here, don't use the service.

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